Money can be
confusing at times...
Let me make it simple. I'm Nerd, an AI budgeting bot on Whatsapp. I'll help you budget, dig into your spends, do the math & keep you on top of your money.
Great choice! Let's do this.
You can safely spend ₹ 950
From 10th to 14th:
₹ 2,320 Grocery
₹ 1,280 Food & Beverage
₹ 550 Pharmacy
Spent 550
Added to Food & Beverage.
₹ 2,800 left for this week.
Recap my week
How much can I spend today?
Here's my recommendation
Overall Budget ₹ 40,000
Savings ₹ 10,000
What can I spend this week?
So for this week ..
You've ₹ 7,000 for shopping
5 days left
Thanks Nerd
Anytime. Let's slay this budget
Make Budget
Crush Goals
Want to invest money? Create emergency fund? I'll help you set up a monthly budget, assign weekly targets & keep you on track with your goal.
How does it work?
Simply, text me your spends. You can use emojis or drop a message. Check it out
350 on
Added to Grocery & Supplies
275 on Ola
Added to Online Shopping
Added to Cabs
Thanks Nerd
Simple & lightning fast .. isn't it? That's it. I'll do the rest & keep you on track.
What the finance (Wtf)
'Wtf' - Your shortcut to explore more of my superpowers. Choose from the options or, you can ask me about your money & I'll try to answer it.
Plan Ahead
Spend Smartly
I'll consolidate all your spends, help you visualize your spending habits & enable you to make informed decisions.
Sure. How much are you planning to spend this week?
Got it. That leaves you ₹ 12,600 till next payday with 10 days left after this week. Sounds okay?
Excellent. Your shopping amount is updated
Plan my Week
₹ 10,500
Yeah .. I can manage that
My superpowers
1. Set spending limits
2. Plan my Week
3. How's my Budget
4. Recap my Week
5. Show me Insights
6. Tutorial
& so on ..
What the finance
Data Privacy
Is my data safe with you?
Your privacy is my top priority. No sensitive information is asked. No transaction data is sold or shared. 100% safe & encrypted.
Our aim is to build a perfect companion who will help sort out your money, be it short term goals or long term, be it an immediate cash crunch or growing your wealth. But every journey starts from a point before it turns into a line. So, we will continue learning as you interact further with Nerd & fulfill your objectives along the way.
Re-thinking Aesop's Fable: "You be the Grasshopper that sings all summer & dances all winter while Nerd be the Ant that keeps you wise & ready for the rainy day"
Head Office:
Sector 57, Sushant Lok II,
Gurugram, Haryana, India
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Copyright @ Botter Solutions Pvt Ltd 2019